July 8, 2013 – July 10, 2013
MAX will host its annual three-day technology camp geared towards teaching local high school students the fundamentals of various areas of information technology. The camp is designed to go beyond the standard curriculum of programming that the students are accustomed to and introduce them to other topics that are not generally covered in depth at the high school level. Select students from high schools in Maryland and Virginia will attend.
January 13, 2013 – January 18, 2013
September 30, 2012 – October 4, 2012
July 9, 2012 – July 13, 2012
MAX hosted its second annual week-long technology camp geared towards teaching local high school students the fundamentals of various areas of information technology. The camp was designed to go beyond the standard curriculum of programming that students are accustomed to and introduce them to other topics that are not generally covered in depth at the high school level. Students from three high schools in Maryland and Virginia learned the basics of networking, the OSI model, building a web server using LAMP software, using Apache Tomcat to run Java code, routing protocols, cloud systems, and OpenFlow. MAX plans to offer this free camp every summer.
“I enjoyed setting up the routers because it gave me more insight on how many connections really were required to maintain something like the Internet. It made me appreciate the complexity of things.”
(Megan C.)
“I enjoyed making the website that connected to others locally.”
(David Z.)
“I liked setting up servers and the server software, as well as learning about networks and routing. These topics were useful to me since I had wanted to learn how to set up a web server properly.”
(Scott W.)
“Learning about cloud computing and playing around with Mathematica was interesting.”
(Andrew H.)
“Working with LAMP was the most enjoyable because I did my part all by myself.”
(Alex Z.)

May 22, 2012
MAX hosted its 2012 Spring All Hands Meeting on Tuesday, May 22nd. The meeting was held at MAX’s new offices located at M-Square, the University of Maryland’s Research Park complex. MAX’s Executive Director, Abdella Battou, gave company updates on current activities and MAX’s new Director of Services, Jarda Flidr, discussed future services to be offered by MAX. There were also two guest presenters. Dr. Tracey Wilen-Daugenti, Vice President and Managing Director of the Apollo Research Institute, presented ideas from her book Society 3.0: How Technology is Reshaping Education, Work, and Society which explores how educators and industry leaders can recognize trends that are revolutionizing 21st century households, learning environments, and workplaces. Dr. Casimer DeCusatis, Chief Technology Officer for IBM Systems Networking Strategic Alliances, joined the meeting via remote video and discussed the advantages of optical networking for highly virtualized data centers including lower power, improved scalability and port density, and tighter I/O integration with processors.

April 22, 2012 – April 25, 2012
March 13, 2012 – March 15, 2012
November 12, 2011 – November 18, 2011
The Super Computing Conference (SC11) will continue a long and successful tradition of engaging the international community in high performance computing, networking, storage, and analysis. SC11 will place an emphasis on bringing together communities to facilitate information exchange, discussions and new collaborations for research and education related to innovating high performance computing applications and advancing scientific discovery and scholarship.
November 9, 2011
MAX hosted its bi-annual All Hands Meeting at the Greenbelt Marriott on November 9th. All Hands meetings allow MAX the opportunity to engage with our members in individual conversations about the services we offer, how well we are doing, and possible future directions for us. This meeting provided a timely opportunity to collectively reflect on the themes we are hearing and gain consensus and support. MAX’s interim executive director, Abdella Battou, discussed MAX’s current business model of providing connectivity, its research activities, and the target goals of expanding services and partnerships as well as enhancing our research infrastructure. Plans to finish two new pops in Baltimore and Shady Grove were also discussed. Two guest presenters were also part of the program. Paul Conoval, Sector Chief Technologist and Director of Technology Investments at Northrop Grumman Information Systems discussed the high performance optical network research and applications at Northrop Grumman Information Systems. George Laskaris, chief executive officer of NJEdge.net, gave a presentation on NJVid, a statewide video portal and repository that provides a common online platform for presentation, storage and archiving of digital works.
November 2, 2011 – November 4, 2011
The 12th GENI Engineering Conference (GEC12), hosted by the University of Missouri, Kansas City, will take place November 2-4, 2011, in Kansas City, Missouri. The GEC is the GENI Project Office’s (GPO) regular open working meeting where researchers, developers, industrial & international partners, and the GPO meet to advance infrastructure planning and prototyping for the GENI project. Furthermore, the GEC focuses on how to design and build a suite of infrastructure that can best inspire and support creative research. In Spiral 4, the focus of the GEC will emphasize expanding and strengthening the Meso-scale infrastructure and supporting experimental use of GENI. Conference registration is open to all.