2011 Summer Teen Tech Camp

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2011 Summer Teen Tech Camp
July 11, 2011 9:00 am
July 15, 2011 3:00 pm
October 4, 2011
MAX Offices
(301) 314-4126
Google Map
8400 Baltimore Avenue, Suite 102, College Park, MD, 20740

MAX hosted its first annual week-long technology camp geared towards teaching local high school students the fundamentals of various areas of information technology. The camp was designed to go beyond the standard curriculum of programming that students are accustomed to and introduce them to other topics that are not generally covered in depth at the high school level.  Fourteen students from three local high schools learned the basics of networking, the OSI model, building a web server using LAMP software, using Apache Tomcat to run Java code, routing protocols, cloud computing, and network security.  MAX plans to offer this free camp every summer.