Tom Lehman joined the MAX team as the Director of Research in November, 2012. His research and development interests include advanced network architectures, intelligent control planes, multi-layer inter-networking, network virtualization, and integration of dynamic networking with distributed compute and storage resources. Mr. Lehman has published over 20 research papers in related areas. Prior to joining MAX, Lehman was a Computer Scientist and Project Leader at the University of Southern California, Information Science Institute (USC/ISI) in Arlington, Virginia. In that role, he was Principal Investigator (PI) on multiple Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), National Science Foundation (NSF), and Department of Energy (DOE) projects. This has included collaborations with MAX on projects such as the NSF-funded Dynamic Resource Allocation via GMPLS Optical Networks (DRAGON) and Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI). Mr. Lehman was also a PI on DOE-funded projects where he collaborated with Energy Sciences Network (ESnet) and Internet2 on the development of features for the DOE OSCARS (On-Demand Secure Circuits and Advance Reservation System) to enable multi-domain Layer2 dynamic provisioning. Current research activities are focused on development of technologies that facilitate the integration of high performance network, computation, and storage resources in service of big data driven domain science application workflows. As Director of Research for MAX, Mr. Lehman is responsible for developing research programs and leading the research activities and associated technology developments. Before his tenure at USC/ISI, he held positions at The MITRE Corporation and The Lockheed Martin Corporation. Mr. Lehman received a B.S. from Virginia Tech and a M.S. in Electrical Engineering from The Johns Hopkins University.