Tripti Sinha, Assistant Vice President and Chief Technology Officer
email: tsinha@umd.edu
phone: (301) 405-1721
Timothy Shortall, Director of Wide Area Networking
email: tshortal@umd.edu
phone: (301) 405-2103
Carrie Groff, Associate Director of Service Development and Community Relations
email: cgroff1@umd.edu
phone: (301) 405-4428
Production Network Team:
Quang Bach, Senior Network Engineer
email: qbach@umd.edu
phone: (301) 314-9499
Bruce Crabill, Senior IT Engineer
email: bcrabill@umd.edu
phone: (301) 314-4127
Dave Diller, Senior Network Engineer
email: ddiller@umd.edu
phone: (301) 314-4155
Eric Gregory, Senior Network Engineer
email: egregory@umd.edu
phone: (301) 405-5123
Karl Reuss, Senior Cyberinfrastructure Architect
email: reuss@umd.edu
phone: (301) 405-2995
High Performance Computing (HPC) Team:
Prasad Dharmasena, HPC and User Support Engineer
email: pkd@umd.edu
phone: (301) 405-6611
Kevin Hildebrand, HPC Architect
email: kevin@umd.edu
phone: (301) 405-0909
Franz Klein, HPC Engineer
email: fklein@umd.edu
phone: (301) 314-6286
Thomas Payerle, HPC Engineer
email: payerle@umd.edu
phone: (301) 405-6135
Finance and Administration
Tessa D. Charlery, Director of Finance
email: charlery@umd.edu
phone: (301) 314-4128
Tania Faulkner, Legal and Contract Administrator
email: tfaulkne@umd.edu
phone: (301) 405-4420
Stephanie Algoo, Finance Coordinator
email: salgoo@umd.edu
phone: (301) 314-4126